About Me

About Me

Who am I?

Hello there! I am Stephan.

When I was younger, I used to admire people who drove cool, fancy cars. By the age of 14, I had read my first book about money.

Since then, I have done everything necessary to achieve financial independence. I didn’t make stupid purchases, spend less than I would earn and invested money in my personal development.

To have more freetime, I continued to explore ways to make my money work for me. This was 2016. I was looking for what is now known as passive income. By 2018, I had discovered something relatively unknown in Europe.

Passive index funds.

I was skeptical, but I wanted to know more. After reading 30 books and 5 podcasts I applied what I have learned. It works! I can confidently state that it is the best way to let money work for you while you relax on the beach. It’s a worry-free approach that yields the best return on both money and time.

That’s why I named the blog MrZenInvest. You can be literally Zen all day and still become a millionaire over time.

What is my promise to you?
You’re probably here because you’re in some sort of pain. You might be drowning in debt and you don’t see anything changing until you start managing your finances better. Or maybe you want to save more and learn how to invest it.

My promise: I will teach you this stuff.

It is not rocket science per se. It requires discipline and consistent effort. The hardest part will be to get going, but I promise it will get easier and be worth it.

What’s the plan?
I have divided the blog into five categories to help you find what you’re looking for quickly. Start by selecting the category that most closely matches your situation:

-) Handling Debt
-) Money Mindset
-) Money Basics
-) Investing

Depending on where you are, it will take time to get each category in order. I’ll be so bold as to say that if you apply what is written here, you will archive your goals. No doubt. So let’s get to work. If you need help, you can reach me via the contact form.

Make yourself a priority.

Stephan (MrZenInvest)
