
Happy to have you here. It seems as if you are unsure where to go next. The blog is structured so that you start with reducing your debts and then move on to money mindset, money basics, investing, and money tools.


Handling debt

This category will provide you with the right methods to reduce your debt in a systematic approach, if you bring the discipline.


Money Mindest

Together with reducing debt, it is crucial to start building a money mindset to stay on track, focused, disciplined, and not spend your savings unless it’s an emergency.

Money Mindset
Money Basics


Money Basics

This category is more focused on starting to track you income, expenses and overall helps you budget you money in a way quickly built up an emergancy fund followed by maximizing the amount that goes to you investing account



This category guides you on how to easily invest your money using index funds. It’s the Zen approach to investing.

Money Tools


Money Tools

This category provides you with the necessary tools to stay on your investment journey.