Person stepping off a treadmill representing the hedonic treadmill and finding happiness.
Money Mindset

The Hedonic Treadmill: Pursuit of Happiness and Wealth

In this blog, you’ll discover why the pursuit of more money and possessions doesn’t lead to lasting happiness and how you can achieve greater contentment and well-being by stepping off the hedonic treadmill.

What is the Hedonic Treadmill?

The hedonic treadmill is a psychological theory that explains the human tendency to return to a baseline level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes.

Essentially, we get used to new circumstances, whether they’re beneficial or detrimental, and our level of happiness reverts to its baseline.

This constant pursuit of more – more money, more possessions, more achievements – leads to a cycle of temporary satisfaction followed by a return to our usual emotional state.

The Science Behind the Hedonic Treadmill

Research in the field of positive psychology has provided ample evidence for the hedonic treadmill.

Studies have shown that once our basic needs are met, increases in income or material possessions have a diminishing return on our overall happiness.

For instance, a significant salary increase might initially boost our happiness, but over time, we adapt to this new level of income, and it becomes the new normal.

Consequently, the joy we initially felt fades, and we start seeking the next big thing to regain that excitement.

Why More Money Doesn’t Equate to More Happiness

One of the most compelling findings in happiness research is that beyond a certain point, having more money doesn’t make us significantly happier.

This threshold is generally when our basic needs – such as food, shelter, and safety – are comfortably met.

Beyond this point, additional income has a minimal impact on our overall well-being.

This is because we quickly adapt to our new level of wealth, and what once felt like a significant improvement soon becomes ordinary.

Adapting to New Levels of Wealth

Our ability to adapt to new circumstances, a process known as hedonic adaptation, is a double-edged sword.

On one hand, it helps us cope with negative changes and challenges, allowing us to bounce back from setbacks.

On the other hand, it diminishes the lasting impact of positive changes, such as acquiring new possessions or achieving a financial milestone.

As a result, the joy and excitement we initially feel from these positive changes quickly fade, leaving us in search of the next thing that might bring happiness.

The Endless Pursuit of More

This relentless pursuit of more – more money, more possessions, more status – can become exhausting and unfulfilling.

It’s akin to running on a treadmill: no matter how fast or far we run, we never truly reach our destination.

We keep chasing the next goal, the next purchase, the next achievement, hoping it will bring lasting happiness, only to find ourselves back at our baseline level of contentment.

Choosing a Modest Lifestyle

In contrast to this endless pursuit, choosing to live a modest lifestyle offers an alternative path to happiness.

By stepping off the hedonic treadmill, we can focus on what truly matters and brings lasting joy.

This might include spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing meaningful hobbies, or simply appreciating the present moment.

Embracing a modest lifestyle means finding contentment in what we already have, rather than constantly seeking more.

The Benefits of Stepping Off the Treadmill

Stepping off the hedonic treadmill and embracing a modest lifestyle can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.

Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Increased Contentment

When we stop constantly seeking more, we can find contentment in what we already have.

This shift in mindset allows us to appreciate the present moment and the blessings in our lives, rather than focusing on what we lack.

  1. Reduced Stress

The constant pursuit of more can be incredibly stressful.

By choosing a modest lifestyle, we can reduce this stress and enjoy a more relaxed and peaceful existence.

  1. Stronger Relationships

Focusing on relationships rather than material possessions can lead to deeper connections with the people we care about.

Spending quality time with loved ones and nurturing these relationships can bring immense joy and satisfaction.

  1. Greater Financial Security

Living a modest lifestyle often means spending less and saving more.

This can lead to greater financial security and freedom, allowing us to live more comfortably and without the burden of debt.

  1. Environmental Impact

Choosing to consume less and live more sustainably can have a positive impact on the environment.

By reducing our consumption and waste, we can contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

Finding Happiness Beyond Material Possessions

While the hedonic treadmill explains why material possessions and wealth have a limited impact on our happiness, it also points to the importance of finding fulfillment beyond these things.

Here are some ways to cultivate happiness and well-being that don’t rely on material possessions:

  1. Building Meaningful Connections

One of the most significant contributors to happiness is the quality of our relationships.

Building and maintaining meaningful connections with family, friends, and community can provide a deep sense of fulfillment and belonging.

  1. Pursuing Personal Growth

Engaging in activities that promote personal growth and self-improvement, such as learning new skills, setting and achieving goals, or practicing mindfulness, can enhance our overall well-being and satisfaction with life.

  1. Giving Back

Helping others and giving back to the community can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Volunteering, donating to charity, or simply performing acts of kindness can create a positive impact and increase our own happiness.

  1. Practicing Gratitude

Cultivating a mindset of gratitude can help us appreciate what we have and find joy in the present moment.

Regularly reflecting on the things we’re thankful for can shift our focus from what we lack to the abundance in our lives.

  1. Embracing Simplicity

Simplifying our lives by reducing clutter, limiting distractions, and focusing on what truly matters can lead to greater clarity and peace of mind.

Embracing simplicity allows us to prioritize our well-being over material pursuits.


What is the hedonic treadmill?

The hedonic treadmill is a psychological theory that explains the human tendency to return to a baseline level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes.

Why doesn’t more money make us significantly happier?

Beyond a certain point, having more money doesn’t make us significantly happier because we quickly adapt to our new level of wealth, and it becomes the new normal.

How can stepping off the hedonic treadmill lead to greater happiness?

Stepping off the hedonic treadmill allows us to focus on what truly matters, such as relationships, personal growth, and meaningful experiences, rather than constantly seeking more.

What are some ways to find happiness beyond material possessions?

Building meaningful connections, pursuing personal growth, giving back, practicing gratitude, and embracing simplicity are all ways to find happiness beyond material possessions.

How can a modest lifestyle contribute to greater financial security?

Living a modest lifestyle often means spending less and saving more, leading to greater financial security and freedom.

What impact can a modest lifestyle have on the environment?

By reducing consumption and waste, a modest lifestyle can contribute to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future.


The hedonic treadmill reveals the limitations of seeking happiness through material possessions and wealth.

While we may experience temporary joy from new purchases or financial gains, this happiness often fades as we adapt to our new circumstances.

By choosing to step off the hedonic treadmill and embracing a modest lifestyle, we can find greater contentment and fulfillment in the things that truly matter.

Building meaningful relationships, pursuing personal growth, giving back and embracing simplicity can lead to lasting happiness and well-being, far beyond what money can buy.


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