Unlock Your Potential: How to Become 37 Times Better at Anything in Just One Year
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How to Become 37 Times Better at Anything in Just One Year

Have you ever dreamed of transforming your life dramatically but feared the burnout that often comes with massive change? What if I told you there’s a simple, yet incredibly powerful method that can make you 37 times better at anything in just one year? Sounds too good to be true? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the extraordinary world of continuous improvement and the magic of getting 1% better every single day.

The Power of 1%: Small Steps, Big Results

In our fast-paced world, we’re often conditioned to seek big, dramatic changes in our lives. We set audacious goals—lose 30 pounds in a month, double our income in a year, learn a new language in a week—and try to achieve them as quickly as possible. But this approach often leads to burnout, disappointment, and stress. What if there was a better way?

Enter the concept of continuous improvement. It’s the idea that making many small changes and improvements each day can lead to significant changes over time. Think of it as building a masterpiece brick by brick, or in our case, percentage by percentage.

The Math Behind the Magic

Here’s where it gets really exciting: If you improve by just 1% each day for a year, you’ll end up 37 times better than when you started. That’s the power of compound growth!

Let’s break it down:

  • 1% improvement daily = 1.01
  • Over 365 days = (1.01)^365 = 37.78

Initially, there’s practically no difference between making a choice that’s 1% better or 1% worse. It’s so small that you might not even notice it. But over time, these tiny gains or losses start to add up.

Imagine two people starting at the same point on January 1st. Person A makes decisions that are 1% better each day, while Person B makes decisions that are 1% worse. By January 31st, the difference might be barely noticeable. But fast forward to December 31st, and the gap between them would be staggering!

  • Person A (1% better each day): 37.78 times better than start
  • Person B (1% worse each day): 0.03 times worse than start (a 97% decline!)

This stark contrast illustrates the profound impact of small, consistent improvements over time.

The Three S’s of Continuous Improvement

To help you harness the power of 1% improvement, let’s explore the “Three S’s of Continuous Improvement”:

1. Stick to What Works

Sometimes, the key to improvement is just doing more of what already works. We often overlook the simple things that are already beneficial in our lives, always searching for the next big thing. But here’s a secret: sometimes, the key to improvement is just amplifying what’s already working.

For example:

  • If reading for 15 minutes a day has been beneficial, why not increase it to 20 minutes?
  • If drinking water first thing in the morning makes you feel great, why not add another glass?
  • If a weekly date night has strengthened your relationship, why not make it twice a week?

Remember, you don’t always need a revolutionary new plan. Sometimes, you just need to double down on the basics that are already serving you well.

2. Subtract the Negatives

Often, the fastest way to improve is not by adding more good habits, but by eliminating bad ones. This approach is known as “improvement by subtraction”.

Think about it – what small, negative habits are holding you back? Maybe it’s:

  • Checking social media first thing in the morning, which sets a reactive tone for your day
  • Snacking late at night, which disrupts your sleep and affects your health
  • Procrastinating on small tasks, which leads to stress and reduced productivity

By identifying and eliminating these tiny losses, you can make significant gains. Remember, preventing small losses is often easier and more effective than trying to make big gains.

3. Measure Backward, Not Forward

Our final tool is all about perspective. Most of us measure progress by looking forward – we set goals, create milestones, and try to predict the future. But there’s another, often more practical approach: measuring backward.

Instead of focusing solely on where you want to be, take time to reflect on how far you’ve come. Look back at where you were a month ago, six months ago, or a year ago. Celebrate the progress you’ve made, no matter how small.

This backward measurement does two things:

  1. It motivates you by showing your progress, boosting your confidence and momentum.
  2. It provides valuable data on what’s working and what’s not, helping you refine your approach.

For instance, if you’re learning a new language, instead of focusing on how far you are from fluency, look back at how many new words you’ve learned since you started. This perspective can be incredibly motivating and informative.

Practical Challenges to Get 1% Better Every Day

Now that we’ve covered the tools, let’s get practical. Here are some habit formation ideas to help you get 1% better every day in different areas of your life. Remember, the key is not to get overwhelmed. Start with just one challenge and gradually increase over time.

Learning Challenge

Commit to spending at least 15 minutes a day on educational content. This could be:

  • Reading a book on a topic you’re interested in
  • Listening to an informative podcast during your commute
  • Watching an educational video or taking an online course

The key is consistency – 15 minutes every day will add up to over 90 hours of learning in a year!

Pro tip: Try to learn something new that’s related to your career or a personal interest. This way, you’re not just accumulating random facts, but building valuable knowledge and skills that can enhance your life and career.

Career Challenge

Start each day by prioritizing your tasks. Spend 5-10 minutes each morning creating a to-do list, with the most important tasks at the top. Then, focus on completing these high-priority items first.

This simple practice can dramatically increase your productivity and effectiveness at work. Remember, it’s not about doing more; it’s about doing what matters most.

Additional career-boosting ideas:

  • Learn one new feature of a software you use daily
  • Reach out to a colleague or mentor for advice once a week
  • Spend 10 minutes daily updating your professional skills

Health Challenge

Incorporate 15 minutes of exercise into your daily routine. This doesn’t have to be an intense workout – a brisk walk, some yoga, or a few bodyweight exercises can make a big difference.

Regular exercise not only improves your physical health but also:

  • Boosts your energy levels
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Enhances cognitive function and creativity
  • Improves sleep quality

Remember, consistency trumps intensity. A 15-minute daily workout is far more beneficial than an exhausting 2-hour session once a week.

Relationship Challenge

Dedicate time each day to nurture your relationships. This could be as simple as:

  • Having a meaningful conversation with a loved one
  • Expressing gratitude to a friend
  • Reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while
  • Practicing active listening in your interactions

Remember, relationships are like plants – they need regular care and attention to thrive. A little effort each day can lead to stronger, more fulfilling connections over time.

Networking Challenge

Make it a goal to connect with one new person in your industry each day. This could be through:

  • Social media platforms like LinkedIn
  • Attending industry events or webinars
  • Joining professional groups or forums
  • Reaching out to colleagues in different departments

Networking isn’t just about finding job opportunities – it’s about building relationships, learning from others, and expanding your horizons. One new connection a day adds up to 365 new contacts in a year!

Your Roadmap to 1% Better Every Day

Now that we’ve covered the why and the what, let’s talk about the how. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you on your journey to becoming 1% better every day.

1. Write Down Your Goals

Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve. Remember, writing down your goals increases your chances of success by 42%! Be specific and make sure your goals are meaningful to you.

For example, instead of “get fit,” write “be able to run a 5K without stopping by December.” This specific goal gives you a clear target to work towards.

2. Assess Your Current Situation

Take stock of how you’re currently spending your time. What activities fill your day? Are any of these activities already contributing to your goals? Are there time-wasters you could eliminate?

Try keeping a time log for a week. You might be surprised at where your time is really going and identify areas for improvement.

3. Redesign Your Routine

Based on your assessment, it’s time to redesign your daily routine. Look for ways to reduce or eliminate non-essential activities and incorporate your improvement activities.

Remember, start small. Maybe you begin by adding just 5 minutes of reading or exercise. The key is consistency, not intensity. As the habit becomes ingrained, you can gradually increase the time or difficulty.

4. Schedule Your Action Items

Take those action items and put them in your calendar. Treat these improvement activities like important appointments – because they are! Having a set time for each activity increases the likelihood that you’ll follow through.

For example, if your goal is to learn a new language, schedule 15 minutes of language practice right after your morning coffee. This way, it becomes a natural part of your daily routine.

5. Track Your Progress

Use a habit tracker or journal to monitor your daily 1% improvements. This serves two purposes:

  1. It keeps you accountable
  2. It provides a visual representation of your progress, which can be incredibly motivating

6. Review and Adjust Regularly

After every month of following this routine, make it a habit to review your progress. Be willing to adjust your approach as needed. Ask yourself:

  • What’s working well?
  • What’s challenging?
  • How can I make my improvement activities more enjoyable or effective?

Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection. Be kind to yourself and celebrate every small win along the way.

Embrace the Power of 1%

Remember, becoming 37 times better at anything isn’t about making dramatic changes or pushing yourself to the limit. It’s about consistent, small improvements that add up over time.

So, what will your 1% improvement be today? Whether it’s in your career, relationships, health, or personal growth, remember that you have the power to become exponentially better than you are today. All it takes is a 1% improvement, one day at a time.

Believe in yourself, embrace the power of small changes, and watch as you transform your life in ways you never thought possible. Your journey to extraordinary improvement starts now!


What is the concept of getting 1% better every day?

The concept of getting 1% better every day is based on the idea of continuous improvement. By making small, incremental changes daily, you can achieve significant results over time due to the power of compound growth.

How can I apply the 1% improvement strategy to my life?

You can apply the 1% improvement strategy to various areas of your life, such as learning, career, health, relationships, and networking. Start by identifying small, actionable steps you can take daily to improve in each area.

What are the benefits of focusing on small, consistent improvements?

Focusing on small, consistent improvements helps avoid burnout, reduces stress, and increases the likelihood of sustained progress. It allows you to build positive habits gradually and see significant changes over time.

How do I track my progress with the 1% improvement method?

Use a habit tracker or journal to monitor your daily improvements. This helps keep you accountable and provides a visual representation of your progress, which can be motivating and informative.

Can I start with more than one area of improvement?

Yes, but it’s important not to overwhelm yourself. Start with one area and gradually incorporate more as you become comfortable with the process. The key is consistency and sustainable progress.

Are you ready to take your personal growth to the next level? Share your 1% improvement ideas in the comments below. Let’s inspire each other to greatness!

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Your 1% improvement today is that first step towards a dramatically better you. So, what are you waiting for? Start your 1% journey today!

I wish you a great rest of the week!



PS: Here is a book recommenation on this topic. Its called “Atomic Habits