Young professional studying financial charts and graphs on a computer screen with inspiring quotes and images of legendary investors like Charlie Munger, highlighting a modern workspace with gamification elements.
Money Basics

5 Money Tricks That’ll Make You Rich by 35

1. Introduction

Financial literacy is a crucial skill, especially for young professionals in their early 20s. Understanding how to manage money effectively can set the foundation for a prosperous future. This article, titled “5 Money Tricks That’ll Make You Rich by 35,” aims to provide practical and actionable advice to help readers achieve significant financial milestones. By focusing on accelerated wealth-building through smart habits and incorporating the unique angle of gamifying financial goals, this guide will empower readers to take control of their financial future.

2. Understanding the Basics of Wealth-Building

Before diving into specific money tricks, it’s essential to understand some basic financial concepts.

  • Savings: Setting aside a portion of your income regularly to build a financial cushion.
  • Investments: Using money to purchase assets (like stocks, bonds, or real estate) that are expected to generate a return over time.
  • Passive Income: Income that requires little to no effort to maintain, such as rental income or dividends from investments.

Starting early with financial planning is crucial. The power of compounding means that the earlier you start saving and investing, the more your money can grow over time. By understanding and applying these basic concepts, young professionals can lay a strong foundation for wealth-building.

3. Trick #1: Automate Your Savings

One of the easiest and most effective ways to build wealth is by automating your savings. This involves setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to a savings or investment account.

Benefits of Automated Savings:

  • Consistency: Automating ensures that you save regularly without having to remember to do it manually.
  • Discipline: It removes the temptation to spend money that should be saved.
  • Growth: Regular contributions can grow significantly over time due to the power of compounding.

Step-by-Step Guide to Automate Savings:

  1. Choose a Savings Account: Select a high-yield savings account or investment account where your money can grow.
  2. Set Up Automatic Transfers: Use your bank’s online banking platform to schedule regular transfers from your checking account to your savings account.
  3. Monitor and Adjust: Periodically review your savings rate and adjust the transfer amount as your income increases.

4. Trick #2: Invest in Low-Cost Index Funds

Investing can seem intimidating, especially for beginners. However, low-cost index funds provide an accessible and effective way to grow your wealth over time.

Why Index Funds?

  • Diversification: Index funds spread your investment across a wide range of assets, reducing risk.
  • Low Fees: These funds typically have lower fees compared to actively managed funds, meaning more of your money stays invested.
  • Solid Returns: Historically, index funds have provided steady, reliable returns that outpace inflation.

Getting Started with Index Funds:

  1. Research: Look for reputable index funds with low expense ratios. Vanguard and Fidelity are popular providers.
  2. Open an Account: Set up an account with a brokerage or directly with the fund provider.
  3. Start Small: Begin with a manageable amount, even if it’s just $100 a month.
  4. Automate: Set up automatic contributions to consistently invest over time.

5. Trick #3: Create Multiple Income Streams

Relying on a single source of income can be risky. By creating multiple income streams, you can diversify your earnings and build a more resilient financial future.

Types of Income Streams:

  • Passive Income: Rental income, dividends, or royalties from creative works.
  • Side Hustles: Freelancing, consulting, or selling products online.
  • Investments: Income from stocks, bonds, or real estate investments.

Steps to Diversify Income:

  1. Identify Skills and Interests: Think about what you enjoy and how you can monetize it.
  2. Start Small: Begin with a manageable side hustle or investment.
  3. Scale Up: Gradually expand your efforts as you gain experience and confidence.
  4. Reinvest Earnings: Use the additional income to further diversify and grow your wealth.

6. Trick #4: Master Budgeting and Expense Tracking

Budgeting is a fundamental skill for anyone looking to build wealth. By mastering budgeting and keeping track of expenses, you can ensure that your money is being used effectively.

Benefits of Budgeting:

  • Financial Awareness: Know exactly where your money is going.
  • Control Spending: Identify and cut unnecessary expenses.
  • Reach Goals: Allocate more money towards savings and investments.

Tools and Techniques:

  1. Budgeting Apps: Apps like Mint, YNAB (You Need A Budget), and PocketGuard can help you track spending and manage your budget.
  2. The 50/30/20 Rule: Allocate 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings and debt repayment.
  3. Regular Reviews: Monthly reviews of your budget can help you stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

7. Trick #5: Gamify Your Financial Goals

Turning financial management into a game can make the process more enjoyable and motivate you to stick to your goals. Gamification involves applying game-design elements such as points, levels, and rewards to non-game contexts.

Benefits of Gamification:

  • Increased Motivation: Games make achieving financial goals more engaging and rewarding.
  • Clear Progress Tracking: Visualizing progress helps maintain focus and commitment.
  • Fun and Interactive: Turning mundane tasks into fun activities can improve consistency.

How to Gamify Your Finances:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define specific, measurable financial goals such as saving a certain amount or paying off debt.
  2. Create a Points System: Assign points for completing financial tasks, like saving a set amount each week or reducing discretionary spending.
  3. Use Apps: Apps like Habitica and Yotta Savings incorporate gamification to help users manage their finances.
  4. Reward Yourself: Establish rewards for reaching milestones, like treating yourself to something special once you hit a savings target.

8. The Importance of the Red Line: Responsible Financial Behavior

In personal finance, the ‘red line’ represents the boundary you should not cross to maintain financial health. Understanding and respecting this limit is crucial to avoid debt and financial pitfalls.

Why the Red Line is Crucial:

  • Prevents Debt Accumulation: Staying within your financial limits helps avoid borrowing and accruing interest.
  • Ensures Financial Stability: Maintaining a safety buffer allows you to handle emergencies without resorting to credit.
  • Promotes Long-Term Wealth: Responsible financial behavior fosters sustainable growth and security.

Strategies for Staying Above the Red Line:

  1. Create an Emergency Fund: Save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in a separate account.
  2. Avoid Impulse Purchases: Plan major purchases and avoid spontaneous spending.
  3. Monitor Credit Usage: Keep credit card balances low and pay off the full balance each month.
  4. Regular Financial Reviews: Periodically assess your financial situation to ensure you’re staying within your limits.

9. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to make financial mistakes. Here are some common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

Mistake 1: Living Beyond Your Means

  • Problem: Spending more than you earn can lead to debt and financial stress.
  • Solution: Create a realistic budget and stick to it. Focus on needs over wants and avoid lifestyle inflation.

Mistake 2: Not Having an Emergency Fund

  • Problem: Without a financial safety net, unexpected expenses can derail your financial plans.
  • Solution: Aim to save three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account.

Mistake 3: Ignoring High-Interest Debt

  • Problem: Carrying high-interest debt, like credit card balances, can significantly impact your financial health.
  • Solution: Prioritize paying off high-interest debt as quickly as possible. Consider debt consolidation if it lowers your overall interest rate.

Mistake 4: Lack of Diversification

  • Problem: Putting all your money in one investment increases risk.
  • Solution: Diversify your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.

10. Tools and Resources for Financial Success

Utilizing the right tools and resources can make managing your finances easier and more effective. Here are some recommendations:


  • “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey: A comprehensive guide to managing personal finances and getting out of debt.
  • “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki: Insights into building wealth and financial independence.


11. Setting Long-Term Financial Goals

Having clear, achievable financial goals is essential for long-term success. Here’s how to set and achieve them:

Step 1: Define Your Goals

  • Identify what you want to achieve, whether it’s buying a home, retiring early, or traveling the world.

Step 2: Break Down Goals

  • Divide your long-term goals into smaller, manageable milestones. For example, if you want to save $50,000 for a down payment on a house in five years, aim to save $10,000 each year.

Step 3: Create a Plan

  • Develop a detailed plan outlining how you will reach each milestone. This might include monthly savings targets, investment strategies, and spending adjustments.

Step 4: Monitor Progress

  • Regularly review your goals and progress. Adjust your plan as necessary to stay on track.

Step 5: Stay Motivated

  • Keep your goals in sight by creating visual reminders, such as vision boards or progress charts.

12. Building a Financial Support Network

A strong financial support network can provide guidance, accountability, and encouragement. Here’s how to build one:

Seek Mentors

  • Find experienced individuals who can offer advice and support. This could be a financial advisor, a successful friend, or a family member.

Join Financial Groups

  • Participate in local or online financial communities where you can share experiences and learn from others.

Hire a Financial Advisor

  • A professional advisor can help you create and maintain a financial plan tailored to your goals.

Stay Connected

  • Regularly communicate with your support network to share updates, seek advice, and stay motivated.

13. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The financial landscape is always changing. To stay ahead, you need to continuously learn and adapt.

Stay Informed

  • Follow financial news and trends to understand the broader economic environment.

Educate Yourself

  • Take online courses or attend workshops on personal finance and investing.

Adapt Your Strategy

  • Be flexible and willing to adjust your financial strategy as circumstances change. This could involve rebalancing your investment portfolio or revising your savings plan.

Embrace Change

  • View changes and challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement.

14. Conclusion

In summary, achieving financial success by 35 is possible with discipline, smart habits, and the right strategies. The five money tricks outlined—automating savings, investing in low-cost index funds, creating multiple income streams, mastering budgeting, and gamifying financial goals—provide a robust foundation for wealth-building.

Starting early and staying consistent are key. By taking control of your financial future now, you can set yourself on a path to long-term prosperity. Remember to act responsibly, avoid common mistakes, and continually educate yourself. With dedication and the right approach, you can achieve your financial goals and enjoy a secure, prosperous future.


1. Why is automating savings important? Automating savings ensures consistent contributions to your savings or investment accounts, removes the temptation to spend, and leverages the power of compounding over time.

2. What are the benefits of investing in low-cost index funds? Low-cost index funds offer diversification, low fees, and reliable returns, making them a smart choice for long-term investing.

3. How can I create multiple income streams? Identify your skills and interests, start with manageable side hustles or investments, and gradually scale up as you gain experience. Reinvest your additional income to further diversify.

4. What tools can help me manage my finances? Budgeting apps like Mint, investment apps like Robinhood, and educational resources like financial blogs and podcasts can provide valuable support and guidance.

5. How can I set effective long-term financial goals? Define clear, achievable goals, break them down into smaller milestones, create a detailed plan, monitor progress regularly, and stay motivated with visual reminders.